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Care1st Health Plan Arizona

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Search by Name

Search by Type/Specialty/Location

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Provider Search

Search for Provider by Name:

  1. Enter Provider’sLast name. If you do not remember the entire last name, you can enter part of it. e.g. If you enter "Smi", you will receive providers that contain "Smi" in their last name, such as: Smith and Smilack
  2. Enter Provider’s First name. You do not have to enter the Provider’s first name. However, this is a useful way to search for Providers if you cannot remember their last name

Search by Provider Type & Specialty:

  1. For Provider Type, select PCP OR Specialist
  2. Then choose a specialty. E.g. select Family Practice from the PCP Specialty list OR Select Cardiology from the Specialist list
  3. Enter the language which must be spoken by the provider for which you are searching e.g. English or Spanish
  4. Enter the zip code and range in miles. E.g. Entering a zip code of 85016 with a range of less than or equal to 5 miles will result in fewer providers than if you extended the range to less than or equal to 50 miles. If you are not finding enough providers, try increasing your range

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